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  1. D

    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @spiritwarrior7 Investing is about fashion as much as it is about numbers. Gold went out of fashion, even though the numbers are OK. Sure there are "investments" that may potentially return more AND are more fashionable e.g. Bitcoin (and Tulip bulbs, once upon a time) however they come with...
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @vancouverguy No, not at all, I bought most of it when it was quite low, but recent silver movements coupled with USD appreciation turbocharged it. If I was to annualize it over 3 years my return would be a lot lower. I think its still a higher return than gold, but silver is coming from a...
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @vancouverguy Good question! As the old saying goes "Returns represent past performance, are not a guarantee of future performance" So far I am up almost 40% for the year! I firmly believe the upside in silver will be greater than gold.
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @spiritwarrior7 I am trying to get my portfolio to 10% in precious metals (mainly silver). Sadly, the stock market keeps running away from me, so it's more like 5% now and I couldn't be arsed "rebalancing".
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @alfiano Sorry, I don't believe you really understand the link between inflation and the depreciating power of a currency or how dangerous it is .
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @angelic143 Argentina has and the printers are back on maximum output, because a weak currency is OK. LMFAO.
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @strongarm5791 Yes, and no Interest Rate parity/Purchase Price Parity blah blah, is going to save you.
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @alfiano I believe you are over-theorising it. You really need to tell me how, in the real world examples of say Zimbabwe and Argentina with currencies going to shit, how they are somehow still doing OK.
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @alfiano There you go South Africa, hang in, it's not the end of the world. /s
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @weeze A depreciating currency is a cause for concern for any nation. It threatens the stability of the economy, affects the standard of living, and can lead to an array of unfavourable consequences. As economies around the world grapple with various challenges, the depreciating value of their...
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @saidagha The only difference is time, and the cumulative (compounding) effect of inflation. Neither of which is shown in your high falutin calculations
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @saidagha Why don't you talk to a Zimbabwean or Argentinean, they will tell you how good a weak currency is...not.
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    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    @ne0phyte2021 I'll let you in on a little secret. It never does.