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  1. R

    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @vinny32 Depends on OP's location but 200€/month for food is pretty reasonable where I live. We are two and we spend less than 350€/month. I'm assuming that you buy fresh products and cook them yourself, at least that's the cheapest approach here.
  2. R

    Brokers for DCA with 300 eu p/m

    @muslim_2010 It averages out although in fact if the price is lower the remaining will be bigger and the threshold for the extra share lower. The key behind DCA is actually that it takes the emotional part out of it and allows you to be a constant investor.
  3. R

    Brokers for DCA with 300 eu p/m

    @muslim_2010 Hi I also use Degiro for a similar amount and I just transferred the desired amount every month and buy the maximum number of shares I can, eventually the remaining money adds up to an extra share.