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  1. K

    Saving Outside & Inside super - Math check

    @mad_ugleigh At 60, you can still keep the super in accumulation phase, change it to transition to retirement and withdraw the fund as you need while still have the benefit of able to contribute to your super. Also any earnings your super make is taxed at 15% during this phase, and tax free...
  2. K

    What should I be paying an accountant?

    @toi11 Better Call Saul 😆
  3. K

    What should I be paying an accountant?

    @toi11 And hopefully not from PWC 😆
  4. K

    What should I be paying an accountant?

    @salu There are many factors to consider based on your business structure and how you operate. If you think is high, have a chat with other accounting firm, explain to them about your business structure and what services you expect... they will give you a quote. You can still get a $2...