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  1. M

    Seeking Career Advise: Banking v Consulting

    @eng Apologies for the confusion, low 10k means at the lower end of +10k. Updated the post to reflect this. Thanks for the input!
  2. M

    Seeking Career Advise: Banking v Consulting

    Update: I'm going to UAE! Thanks everyone for the comments.
  3. M

    Seeking Career Advise: Banking v Consulting

    @glennagail Thank you for the comments. My only concern is if I sunk, and I can't get something as solid as the banking gig after. Haha. Quite scary taking the leap of faith!
  4. M

    Seeking Career Advise: Banking v Consulting

    Hi everyone, before jumping into it, here's some context. I'm a single Chinese guy that's close to 30. I've got no debts, really just driving an old hand-me-down car, renting in KL. I'm currently working in one of the top consulting firms for my specialty. I'm currently deciding between these 2...