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  1. D

    Hi, I’m a 20 year old but I don’t feel like I’m ready for the adult world

    @christamg It's true that some areas appreciated more than others, and reasonable houses are harder to find post-covid. I'd have a much harder time as a first time homebuyer today. Hopefully I'd choose to downsize/downgrade rather than do the customary 3x/4x.
  2. D

    Hi, I’m a 20 year old but I don’t feel like I’m ready for the adult world

    @christamg It's a lot tougher now to be sure. The same house I bought at 1.4x in 1999 would cost me 2.3x today, even though my HHI has almost doubled since. It's more like a rule of thumb. At 3x, eating out, cable TV or having a car loan would be out of the question - at least for me.
  3. D

    Hi, I’m a 20 year old but I don’t feel like I’m ready for the adult world

    @scottyboyyy I have kids your age and this is my advice to them: - Pay your credit card statement balance each month in full. Never just pay the minimum - Don't buy a house more than 2x your household income. Throw an extra $200-$400 to the mortgage every month. - Regularly contribute to...