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    Halal Debt - Part 2 + First Investment

    @michaelleemason FNV is the only real Sukuk I know of. Enough said.
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    ELI5 -- if a company's stock is considered non-compliant with shariah, is the income from working at that company also not compliant, i.e. not halal?

    @mrsstylz If it is a permissible business you may work in it regardless of the capital structure and as long as your role does not entail haram activities (e.g. entering into loan agreements). In principle, you are testing to see if the business activity is halal, and if it is, then is the...
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    House ownership

    @gilynn No risk sharing in the value of the house. Binding purchase obligation based on monthly mortgage payments...quacks like a mortgage. Therefore not compliant.
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    Alternative investments

    @d1975mon As to gold and silver, it have been proven that over a long period if time it is not a great investment. Be cautious as it is quite volatile as golds value is highly controlled to monetary policy and interest rates which makes gold a price taker.
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    Do you have a Defined Contribution Pension Plan?

    @jules1231 fund code or full name?
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    Do you have a Defined Contribution Pension Plan?

    If you have a defined pension plan (you put money in and the company matches with a certain percentage), would you mind sharing some information for a research project? (you can DM me / respond here / []( ) . Country Who is the plan...
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    Is Airbnb halal?

    @noscentia It is how the data is being used...targeting Muslims...political program to eradicate Islam.
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    Is Airbnb halal?

    @noscentia It is halal from a financial perspective. But from an ethical POV management is sharing personal user data with Chinese govt per published reports and is looking to China as a major source if growth.
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    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @martinwarner Please share the analysis/report refernceing the 30 companies..
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    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @martinwarner First current ratio does not address the issue of screening for debt. Second, if you believe a net cash position is a sign of an inefficient company, you have been influenced by the CFA nonsense. The most efficient companies returning the highest ROI have net cash. Like life...
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    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @martinwarner Correct. But it does mean it is liquid enough to pay off its debts. In the public markets it is very difficult to find a company with no debt as most have a line of credit that they pay a standby fee for even if not used. Thus no cash is a great filter to start.
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    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @resjudicata Look for stocks with a Net Cash position. Any screen can provide this.
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    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @highlight FTSE & MSCI use of total assets is far superior to AAOFI, there is no question.