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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @yaboo Isn't a debit card standard nowadays? I guess if we do not use it, or disable it then it is fine?
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    If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?

    @eluid PPF (15y/7 yr rollover), NPS (upto 60 and compulsory annuity) and PF are locked in. PF can at least be extracted on unemployment. ULIP is a no-no. Check the surrender value/costs and it may be better to surrender.
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    Valuation 101, Are IPOs valuable?

    @richa94 It is generally accepted that IPOs are the worst time to buy due to knowledge asymmetry. You can wait till the lock-in for the key investors etc is over (3m? or 1 year? I forget) and buy at a massive discount then since all many insiders are busy unloading.
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    Fundamental analysis of a stock before investing.

    @patrick72 The piotroski score is a pretty good measure of fundamentals. It covers 9 different parameters.
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    Argument for taking loan for purchasing instead of using available cash(If total amount is available in cash)

    @claudiaspollen If your original assumption was true - you could just keep taking personal loans and making money by investing the money...
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    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    @joshuaawarm this can be pretty serious and probably better to admit with saline and check for stroke...