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    Toggle insurance (which has been absolute crap btw) has totaled my newly paid off 10k prius over 8.5 k of damage. What do I do?

    @amu Contact them and go over everything to explain what was not part of the accident and what is.
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    Toggle insurance (which has been absolute crap btw) has totaled my newly paid off 10k prius over 8.5 k of damage. What do I do?

    @amu you didnt list a state, but in most states its either a hard % where it must be totaled - like 75% or a total loss formula. the formula is repairs + possible additional repairs for damaged items + rental + any additional fees VS value - salvage value. so a car with 7k of damage worth 9k...
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    Liberty Mutual says I’m “At Fault”- is this B.S.?

    @ekaj196 Nothing personal but the down votes are because you sound extremely arrogant and nasty on several of your replies
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    Liberty Mutual says I’m “At Fault”- is this B.S.?

    @ekaj196 ok chasing down the persons car who dropped it maybe you could get their insurance to cover it, if you have it on dash cam it flew out of the car. But even so its stationary object that you ran over you could have possibly avoided. Trust me, they are going to charge you 100% liable...
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    Liberty Mutual says I’m “At Fault”- is this B.S.?

    @ekaj196 you collided with a stationary object on the road, there is no one to place at fault but you. If the hammer flew off the truck in the air and hit your car that would be a comprehensive claim
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    Hydroplane accident

    @aliannghia they pretty much will absolve you of the storage charges and fee's in most cases and sell your car for scrap or fix it and then sell it for profit.
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    Hydroplane accident

    @aliannghia your young it seems-and admit you dont understand. The road cant be at fault, you lost control and crashed the car - thats it in a nutshell. weather conditions arent a factor here, you are supposed to be in control all the time. If I was your adjuster (as pretty much everyone here...
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    Hydroplane accident

    @aliannghia yea you lost control its that simple. the water and road conditions, cant be blamed but you can. you have a duty per the insurance policy to mitigate your damages, the car sitting there for over a year-they arent going to pay it at all. you were responsible to move it, why did you...
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    I was rear ended - other driver at fault. Insurance has accepted responsibility. I’m worried they will want to total the vehicle.

    @bart23 it STILL will be marked totaled somewhere in the vehicles history attached to the vin is my point. there is no way to prevent it in the end. can you rebuild or reconstruct it and repair it sure-but theres typically tons of hoops to jump through to do so
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    I was rear ended - other driver at fault. Insurance has accepted responsibility. I’m worried they will want to total the vehicle.

    @bart23 i never said OP couldnt owner retain. i said there is no way to prevent the vehicle from being marked a total loss by the insurance unless OP withdraws the claim. Even then insurance may still report to the DMV it was totaled.
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    I was rear ended - other driver at fault. Insurance has accepted responsibility. I’m worried they will want to total the vehicle.

    @caymele they will pay you for the value of your vehicle. it might be higher than you think or it might be lower reality is 20+ year old car is likely gonna be a total loss. there is no preventing it from totaling unless you want to withdraw your claim and get paid nothing.
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    CT Total Payout Question

    @thebigboo Good luck
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    CT Total Payout Question

    @thebigboo Yes it would have to be the same year for sure. If you are unable to find proper comparable you could invoke your appraisal clause. You pay for an appraiser and so does insurance and they will decide the value in the end
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    CT Total Payout Question

    @thebigboo id inquire with your insurance adjuster what you need to do exactly. if there are none for sale within 500 miles of you, how far can you expand the search? did they adjust the value of the sedans to compensate for being a sedan vs a wagon understand that you probably wont ever find...
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    claims advice for negotiation of offer

    @csaw What you did previously was prove the car was worth more. Do it again and see if this time it changes too. As for mileage they may have pulled registration or inspection data or even carfax and someone entered the mileage wrong at some point
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    claims advice for negotiation of offer

    @csaw theres no such thing as an initial offer, your car is worth what its worth. they dont toss out low numbers in hopes you go away,t hat would be illegal and insurance is a highly regulated industry. yes they can take the rental away, most states the law says after they make the offer they...