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  1. T

    22 y/o is saving up $100k in 3 years realistic or worth it?

    @bentleychris23 If you invest your 5k into an S&P 500 index fund which averages a 6% return over 3 years then you can invest $2.4k/month to reach 100k. The market could go down which would extend your timeline past 3 years but when the market recovers you’ll have even more since you’ll have kept...
  2. T

    17 y/o with 60k in bank account and don’t know what to do

    @zomnuhu Don’t know much about Canada retirement plans, there’s something called an RRSP you should look into opening. But other than that open a brokerage account and invest 50k into a fund that tracks the S&P 500. Then use the other 10k to try your hand at stick picking. But leave that 50k...