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  1. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @saawariya39 So you should do Roth then until your income fed tax bracket goes to the mid 30s. Your tax mitigation for the fed is vanilla i.e standard deduction, real estate, HSA./FSA, 529s, Capital Losses. Not much left over for W2 earners. If you have a familiy plan with HSA plus tge...
  2. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @saawariya39 Best one I've read is that you add you fed marginal rate and your state tax. If the percentage from the addition is less than 32% you do roth. If it's higher than 32% you do traditional. Closer or around 32% is a toss up Tldr : State + Fed > 32% Traditional State + Fed == 32%...