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  1. M

    Some fun with numbers

    @lukeplyr83 my sp500 last 12 months 15.67% pa 3 years 16.67% pa 5 years 12.76% pa
  2. M

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    @daisy83 Yes Mortgage is roughly about 40% we overpay it a little bit. Sorry the 70% included mortgage plus living costs
  3. M

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    @daisy83 Yeah pretty much i do a 70/20/10 budget. 70% mortgage/living costs 20% investments and 10% holiday Make sure i have a fully paid 3or6mth emergency fund
  4. M

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    @daisy83 yes good plan
  5. M

    Some fun with numbers

    @lovinganimals 60% in 3 months its deff possible , but also , whats the 12moth return, the 3-year return and the 5-year return. prob just got lucky, my US large growth is 23% for the last 12mths.
  6. M

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @walshmeister cheapest is prob a whey protien shake. about $1.60 a serve
  7. M

    The State of Rent Prices!

    @duleigh in the cbd about the same
  8. M

    Any suggestions for financial assistance

    @bubblegumlove01 what is SA?
  9. M

    A Google Sheets Envelope Budget.

    @nicolabart I think of my self as fairly literate , but this Looks wayyyy too complicated, dont even know where to start ..... you need a better step by step guide it is all over the place. i think for you it is easy to understand .... for someone else however its not.
  10. M

    A Google Sheets Envelope Budget.

    @resjudicata mine is like this also, haha money in, money out , 1-1=0 :D