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  1. D

    My mom isn’t allowed to open a bank account, don’t know what to do

    @grimlock I don’t like to make blind assumptions on the internet but I feel confident saying you never worked in banking. There’s nothing illegal or unethical about giving people flagged on Chex systems a account. Banks do it all the time...
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    My mom isn’t allowed to open a bank account, don’t know what to do

    @grimlock I’ve watched branch managers override Chex system warnings to open accounts for people. So unless something has changed in banking since I left idk what you’re talking about. And there are banks that completely ignore Chex systems… Capital One. Sofi. If a branch manager is low on...
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    My mom isn’t allowed to open a bank account, don’t know what to do

    @aleckss When I work at the bank this did happen but we were allowed to open accounts for people with charged off accounts with manager approval. The only times when the bank would 100 percent refuse is when “account abuse” happened. This usually meant a person would consistently get in the...