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  1. K

    Its a bit scary how easily the media is pushing the "property market bottom is here" agenda

    @jeff2112 Yes but if you look back before the GFC the NZD used to be a whole lot lower. pre-2008 the NZD yearly average was 0.42-0.7 and just doing a dirty average over time since 1992 it's been 0.66. We're slightly under the average yearly level the last 30 years but hardly 'in the shitter'.
  2. K

    Its a bit scary how easily the media is pushing the "property market bottom is here" agenda

    @kylefleming But if interest rates go up NZD becomes more valuable the reason it's dropped slightly is the RBNZ has hinted we've reached maximum OCR. Also NZD is about average looking at it historically. Of the last 33 years only 14 years has it ever gone above .62 and a long way from the 0.4*...