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  1. H

    Ericsson Share Purchase Plan

    @2bhealed Yeah, check on conditions after you buy - but even if it is once per year it still makes sense. Re Xiaomi - it's probably too small a position in your portfolio to discuss it. I'd still rather buy another ETF ( something like small cap value or just value). Everything you know about...
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    Ericsson Share Purchase Plan

    @2bhealed How soon can you sell? What are the taxes if you do so? Needless to say, owning shares of the company you work in is extra risky - in a downturn you can lose your job and your investment will be reduced in value at the same time. However with the extra risk free return it might be...
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    [BE] What do you think of this LT ETFs-only portfolio

    @compassionateone Look up Ben Felix on YouTube ( small cap and value factor etfs videos). But basically those two factors have a proven risk premium outside of the market risk, so overweighting them more than just market cap ( they are part of the bigger index as well) adds more diversification...
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    Rate my ETF Portfolio

    @backnforth This comment perfectly illustrates the sector tilts flaws. I like apples, you like oranges. Nobody can say which will perform better.
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    [BE] What do you think of this LT ETFs-only portfolio

    @compassionateone I would also drop the Sector ETFs. Take some fixed sum and do active trading with it to scratch your itch. Most probably you will see that you can't outperform the market. You are also young, if you can stomach the swings I guess you don't need Bonds / Gold. If you are doing...
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    Rate my ETF Portfolio

    @innas That's not high, it's insane :)
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    Rate my ETF Portfolio

    @stephen2987 I would probably remove the bonds, get one sector and the crypto to 5% each Oh and get an EM fund.
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    Rate my ETF Portfolio

    @stephen2987 Risk tolerance - Medium? I wonder what high looks like In your World :) I don't like the sector tilts and crypto is yeah, probably too much... At least choose one or max two, seems like too many things that are fashionable right now (=overvalued). Also the bonds are way too low to...