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  1. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    @aletia Thank you. I’m concerned because the bill was from a company I’ve never heard of. I assume that my doctor outsourced the testing and possibly that company is out of network? I plan on calling on Monday, but my anxiety is quite high from potentially owing $200 I cannot afford. I...
  2. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    @aletia I have absolutely no idea. I was told, and my online portal says, that I have an individual deductible and a family deductible. Both are $500. I only have an individual plan and I have met the $500 at the end of last year and have a carry over deductible for this year. So, I’ve met my...
  3. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    @ellieanna Under my accumulators , my co-insurance lines all have $0 ETA: I plan to call Monday, was hoping to have some relief before then
  4. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    @foreverthankful I understand, but I do not have co-insurance and I have not had to pay anything above my co-pays at the time of my visit. I have gone to this doctors a handful of times along with my other drs without paying anything for testing or the appointment.
  5. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    @foreverthankful So if it’s a doctor that I see regularly and in network, and medically necessary, what could be the cause? I assume that the $187 is from a visit where I suspected I had a uti and from my urine, she said that I did not and I pushed to have a culture tested and it came back that...
  6. L

    Confused about medical coverage

    New here! I have met my deductible for this year, but a couple of my last claims against my insurance only covered part of the claim. I can’t figure out why. I’m not sure what information I need to provide to help answer this question. Here are a couple key pieces of information...