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  1. F

    Do I need to rebalance my ISA?

    @bowtokingjesus It sounds like you're just picking up funds as you hear about them. There is substantial overlap between your three funds. I'd go back to basics and read a book about investing from, then think about your investing strategy and...
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    Do I need to rebalance my ISA?

    @bowtokingjesus Can you tell us more about why you originally chose this allocation?
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    What happens to your mortgage when you upsize?

    @someone12 Porting means moving your existing mortgage to a new property, not necessarily borrowing more. Yes, with a 'second charge mortgage' if there's a problem the second lender can only get repaid after the first lender does. They're usually more expensive to account for this. I think...
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    Should I opt out of my 9.8% NHS Pension for one year to help pay off debt

    @glow63 This one is easy, don't do it. When you retire, this one year in the scheme at a £42k salary will be worth £778 of income every year of retirement. By opting out, you opt out of receiving this £778/year. (Note that this £778/year is in today's money - the amount will actually go up...
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    Parents suggest selling house to my brother and I interest free

    @jessicasa Are you a homeowner? If not then be aware that you'll lose your first time buyer benefits such as the stamp duty discount.
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    What happens to your mortgage when you upsize?

    @someone12 Your notation is a little confusing. Let's say you have a £200k flat with a £100k mortgage and are looking to upsize to a £400k house. Don't think of 'equity' as money in the bank - it's simply the difference between what you owe and what you'd get if you sold. Anyway the google...
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    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    @scaredtodeath Please stop saying this :( I'm just gutted that as a result of the (successful!!) industrial action around the USS, people seem to trust it less than before.
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    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    @honoluluwindow That was a WIP sorry! And yeah you're right, the MSE calculator is weird. I'll see if I can replicate what they're doing tomorrow maybe, otherwise interested to know what you find.
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    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    @honoluluwindow From a quick poke around I'm pretty sure they're making the same error that I misunderstood you to be making - letting the mortgage accrue hypothetical interest for the full term while cutting off the savings interest at the end of the the shorter mortgage term. Would have...
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    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

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    Does it make more financial sense for me to buy a house now or continue renting for a few years

    @eliquinn Ultimately whether it works out to be financially optimal to buy or stay where you are depends on what happens in the future, which you can't know for sure. If you can stay in a below market rate situation and house prices stay stable, you definitely can win out by taking advantage...
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    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    @honoluluwindow Hi, we talked in modmail :) I'm a bit surprised by some of these responses, that wiki update is definitely overdue. Does this spreadsheet illustrate it clearly? I would really value your feedback. Edit: or anyone else's, I see you clicking 'Anonymous Turtle', Jackal, Quokka and...
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    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    @rodrigwest So does interest on savings. If they're at the same rate, they're exactly equivalent. If not, higher rate is the most financially efficient.