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  1. S

    My mum has 30k PAJAK GADAI debt. Ideas on how to solve it

    @charley18 You can't possibly afford to do all of that with your salary. Don't dig other holes to bury this one. Just sell off all of them.
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    Where to place 6 months buffer?

    @onedreamergirl You can do unlimited withdrawal otc at branches of asnb, maybank, cimb, rhb, hong leong, bsn, Affin, alliance and pos Malaysia. Otc withdrawal is immediate, can get in cash or transfer to your casa. That's still pretty liquid imo.
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    Where to place 6 months buffer?

    @onedreamergirl Asnb fixed price funds. As liquid as FD and higher rate Bumi - ASB, ASB 2 or Asb 3 Non- ASM, ASM2 or ASM3
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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @dazza_73 Like others have said. Renting 1800 apartment but commute 2 hours daily? Aiyo, just rent a nearer place to work cannot?