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    [DE] Advice on starting investing

    @evietheturtle Thanks for that article, I didn't consider the market downturn immediately after investing a lump sum. I'll spread it over several months, starting with 2.5k a month and later invest my monthly target.
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    [DE] Advice on starting investing

    @livewell12257 Thanks. Yes, the advice to start slower and see how it feels definitely resonates with me. I didn't wanna think of a market drop too much as it's unpredictable and anything I'd do about it would be basically speculation, the very thing I wanna avoid by investing to ETFs. But I...
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    [DE] Advice on starting investing

    Hello, after reading this sub for a year, I finally decided to start investing (the waiting has probably cost me!). I’m a 33yo Czech citizen, working in IT in Berlin. I got lucky being able to live relatively inexpensively biking or walking everywhere, paying just around 500E rent, might go on...