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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not? If you’re in the market for a life insurance policy, you have probably heard that you should purchase a policy that is approximately 10 times your annual salary. While many life insurance agents and financial...
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    Smoking question

    @noguru Don't report her, but tell her Don't ever do that. It doesn't benefit her anyway other than getting better rating. Instead, if you prefer rating, you get standard rating. Lower your cost of insurance that all. Second you still have do medical so no matter what you can't hide you smoke
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware I mean the 10x is a normal, easy way to calculate the insurance you should have, but it doesn't mean fit what you should have. It doesn't calculate your expense, your goal, and your kid tuitions, your mortgage. You can look up human life approach and need approach. A good agent...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware You are right and wrong at the same time. I think you need a agent to reevaluate that what you need. Let them do need approached and human life approach and see what you need really instead of estatmate number
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware How did you come up you need 3 million term life insurance
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware Cost-Effective: A joint life policy rider is typically more cost-effective than purchasing separate life insurance for two people. It allows the policyholder to extend coverage to another individual, usually at a cost less than buying two separate polici
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware You can ask add to family rider to it or joint life rider.
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    Quit smoking almost 1 1/2 years ago

    @smb123 Why even bother with term. If pay little more you would had permanent life insurance. You could littery wasted like 40k in that 20 years
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @ltcajh No. At least i got 401k for free, unlike rest of the people do matching. Maybe read carefully before say something stupid. Seocnd i do not need to retire i can work till 100 if i want to
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @hannahjane Even so, it still gambles. What happened was it continued to go badly like 2008. 10 -20 percent is really bad because of the larger amount you have in there. The larger lost. I never want see i got like 1 million and half that gone over night
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    Are these good rates?

    @carolmariev11 There is no value. You might just cancel first thing when faced money problem
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey I think you over looked 401k and ira. How much you planning to put ira and 401k a year? If you used that money for this, iul what difference in result. second 401k is a gamble. 10k become 0 overnight. My friend had 401k, and he had 10k before covid, and it became 0 during covid.i...
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    Are these good rates?

    @carnelia I guess you got term. Go find better pricing if you can. Pointless asking is it good or bad based on priced
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    Are these good rates?

    @kilmanagh I agree. He only look for money
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    Whole or Term?

    @deltoots I suggest get permanent life insurance. Get 1 policy for your husband joint life or family rider. Get one policy for each kids. Life insurance is a financial planning that mean your future and kids should take into consideration. I also agree with agent you migh need term to cover...
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    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @derpytia You can try apply Gerber life insurance. They do final expense, but the death benefits are probably 25k. They don't do want disability insurance or life insurance, i am confused about that.
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    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @daniel You need do this fast. We still under covid. The grace period might be 90 day
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    Taking my test tomorrow, any advice?

    @ofbrysonmen Don't worries too much. If you pass great. If you fail take again asap. This test take it as try out. Experience to know where you at and know where is weak point. Anyway good luck and relax. Take your time.