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  1. L

    Does stock of US companies pay the same dividends when bought on NYSE vs on German Xetra? What about taxes?

    Does stock of US companies pay the same (or very similar) dividends when bought on NYSE vs on German Xetra? What about tax rules? Example: AT&T. It's present on both the German Xetra (as US00206R1023) and on NYSE (as US00206R1023). AFAIK, me buying dividend yielding stock (like AT&T) on a US...
  2. L

    How does EUR hedging of US Treasury bills work?

    I'm trying to understand bond market. Let's say in my broker account I have a choice between two types of the same US government bond ETF, let's call them: - US Bond USD ETF - US Bond EUR Hedged ETF So, the same product (US gov. bonds), same issuer (iShares), but one is EUR hedged. Both...