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  1. M

    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @kaytiedid In my opinion the best option for short term cash, at the moment,is something like FR0010510800,(ESTER)%20plus%200.085%25.
  2. M

    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @kaytiedid Bond ETFs for what purpose?, long term core part of your portfolio?, to park short term cash? It really matters the difference. Still I suppose the standard answer would be something like SEGA or AGGG. Just keep in mind taxation and what you want those funds for...
  3. M

    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @kaytiedid They are putting your money into a plain vanilla money market fund in exchange for that service they are charging you a fee and pocketing the difference between the yield and what they pay you. Convenience has a cost. I mean it's a good option if you aren't interested in DIY but I...