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    House Loan vs Long Term Saving

    @unbelievable Don't buy a house until you are happy to settle down. There are massive transaction costs, including taxes involved. Your needs may change if you get married, have kids, pets, and a new job. Moving houses is a massive cost. Rather, save the money in a low-cost offshore EFT until...
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    Help and advice for a complete novice.

    @atown I find Simon Brown's blog very useful
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    Purchase of 3rd Investment Property - Weighing up Options

    @mehrtens Sell that first SA property for sure. That's a shocker return wise. You would be better off in a balanced unit trust fund or ETF, and it's certainly better to have less debt on your new property. The other two are homes you intend to live in, so unless you are happy to rent, there is...
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    Easy Equities TFSA Bonds investment R186

    @percival1994 The point to make is that you only get that return if you hold the bond to maturity. If you cash out before then, the yield is based on the price you get when you sell. Also, don't forget that there is still income tax on that retu6rn
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia From chat GPT: When interest rates rise, existing bond prices typically fall. This is because Inverse relationship: Bond prices and interest rates have an inverse relationship. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and vice versa. Opportunity cost: When interest rates...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia What happens to the fund price if bond rates go up? I'm not talking about default.
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia The reason for the higher yields is that SA government bonds are super risky compared to US ones. You may be happy to take that risk, but it's not a free lunch.
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    Satrix MSCI World Vs 10x Total world for TFSA

    @sungw My view is that living in South Africa gives us a lot of exposure to emerging markets and commodities already.
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    TFSA ETFs Dropping

    @tanuki_elex Highly recommend 2 things from personal experience 1) Don't look more than once a month or even less. 2) Use a debit order and invest the same amount every month. If you don't need the money right now what does it matter anyway. Another reason for the change in value is that the...
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    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    @carolvdmerwe Best bank interest rates are all shown on this website: I'm partial to SA Retail bonds since they government guaranteed. EE offers a range of income funds that offer good interest rates but are a little more risky than Money Market...
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    Is Discovery Black Card Travel Insurance sufficient for a Schengen Visa (Italy)?

    @ruien2 It's certainly enough cover. I think you might have to look on the chubb website.