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  1. L

    Idk what to put my money in..

    @dav56cre yeah my current market predictions is a crash soon, either within the next year or even few months... ive been holding this cash for a chance at buying in during a bigger crash , ive been buying during this recent dip in the US markets but ive made some poor decision and my holdings...
  2. L

    Idk what to put my money in..

    @reallyornery im confusion lol. im only a year and a bit into financial responsibility as a student so idk what im talking about.... dont mind my poor post.....
  3. L

    Idk what to put my money in..

    @renny562000 good advice, yeah i noticed the overlaps and it began my questionign on why i even went with these choices. im tryna undo my less educated decision a year ago. thank for the tips. Ill look at fcit again but with more research in its holdings.
  4. L

    Idk what to put my money in..

    @captainfarkus sorry the percentages dont match up on the port and bank, i mean 60% of the port is invested, the rest is cash on the port. and as for bank thats 70% of my take home. with 25% in my port and 5% in my revolute for lunch money lol. The fcit bail was just a decision based on my poor...
  5. L

    Idk what to put my money in..

    I currently am sitting on a IBKR port spread of 10% vusa (for the gleaming hope DD is eradicated). 30% JAM, 20% Brk.b, and a small hundred quid in JNJ. Very small portfolio but I'm just testing the waters to see what I like. Sold my stake in FCIT. Wasn't too happy with it for the last 3 months...