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  1. S

    Frugal tips to save money

    @carlthedreamer I would argue that frozen veges are also fresher than what you buy in the fresh section at the supermarket. I often go to buy some veges but put them back because they're half rotten and/or crazy expensive. The other day it was $3.80 for half a celery that had 3 lengths on it.
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    Does Appearance Affect Your Wealth Building Potential?

    @billbennet It does make a difference for sure. When I was about 23 I had really long hair, like heavy-metal style. Finally decided to get it all cut off in one of those walk-in salons in a shopping mall. I remember being quite shocked at how different I was suddenly treated by strangers. Every...
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    First home...

    @movingon The CV, or RV is just a value the local council uses to calculate your rates.
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    First home...

    @ron48170 Firstly, don't get discouraged but CV doesn't mean too much at the moment - it really comes down to the local market. Personally I would buy in at all possible. I can't see enough of a housing correcting happening that will cause you any issues. The longer you wait, the more prices...