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  1. E

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    @wrennelson143 Yes and no. I use T212 for play money and some much lower monthly purchases but I’m not putting the bulk of my investments there for 2 main reasons: They don’t seem as regulated as other options like Degiro or IBKR (and some banks as well) + they are an OTC exchange The main...
  2. E

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    @kaytiedid Technically true, but you're forgetting about the 2.5€ per exchange connection Degiro charges anually. If my calculations were correct, through IBKR Tiered for EUR ETFs you pay 0.050% fee with a min. of 1.25€ and a maximum of 29€ (depending on the invested amount). So in theory if...
  3. E

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    Hi, all Recently moved to Interactive Brokers after Degiro increased their fees, trying to save some money but tbh wondering if IBKR isn’t more expensive really. Two questions for any IBKR users, my only use-case is buy and hold ETFs, no trading: - IBKR seems to default to Smart Routing...