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  1. K

    Hospital billed 12k, insurance says it should be 4k. I’m left with the difference. How is this allowed?

    @psalm91girl I was transferred from the ER to psych against my will. I had no choice of where I was going
  2. K

    Hospital billed 12k, insurance says it should be 4k. I’m left with the difference. How is this allowed?

    @ngocvncom It was an emergency visit with a transfer I had no choice.
  3. K

    Hospital billed 12k, insurance says it should be 4k. I’m left with the difference. How is this allowed?

    My billing situation is a nightmare. For a $12,000 out of network charge the insurance company is claiming the Medicaid rate is $4,400 and that is all they will pay. That would be fine with me if they negotiate that with the hospital but they didn’t. The line in the sand was drawn with me and...