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  1. M

    G.R.P and more money to specific principal, or S.R.P?

    Kind of got answers to my question from calling the bank. Graduated payment plan for me increases by 30% every 24 months. So if I'm paying $400 now, after the first 24 months it will go up to 520$. However if I were able to pay off a loan fully before, I would then be subtracting the amount of...
  2. M

    G.R.P and more money to specific principal, or S.R.P?

    Hadn't looked at my student loans in a while, currently i'm paying $400/month on a graduated repayment plan. I believe that I am making enough money to where I could go back to the standard repayment plan if I so choose. However, I was wondering if it would be better for me to stay on the...