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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @grace82 Hey, my point is that markets are forward looking. This is all old news after all vs usd there was a drop of 17% on currency alone. I'm wondering what you're expecting that will worsen the situation? We're already expecting eventual energy rationing as well as blackouts during winter.
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    Best savings accounts EU?

    @binde Never go etc!
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @grace82 I don't make any predictions. I'm just saying that qualifying a currency as more risky than is currently reflected in the exchange rates of the biggest and most liquid financial market is a very tall order. Usually as risks manifest themselves the investment derisks and falls in price...
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @grace82 Why do you think so? With all the risks continuisly being priced in and the drops that already took place you know of risks that other market participants don't know about? If anything now that the risks has manifested itself the risk is lower going forward.
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    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @stefanny I might be wrong but Afaik foreign dividends are not taxed in Latvia so it might be better to go with distributing funds and just reinvest them.
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    How to boost your earnings from stocks and ETFs: my research on modified dollar-cost averaging

    @joyfulboy I will get back to you with what I had used but your current simulation overweight considerably rare events. Having a +7 daily return is just as likely as having a - 7% which is unlikely. I took sp data from 1871. What I used was a non central student's t distribution for sp500. In...
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    How to boost your earnings from stocks and ETFs: my research on modified dollar-cost averaging

    @joyfulboy Hello I find the analysis interesting even though contrariant to my own simulations. What distributions did you use for the random data sampling? Also which measure do you use for yields? IRR or ttwror?
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    Buying a property in Germany vs investing into MSCI World

    @lightwriter Leverage cuts both ways. These numbers are adjusted for inflation without transaction costs, rental yields, borrowing costs and taxes : Average real return is 0.9% Adjusted for supercity bias to 0.4%. This is to eliminate cities such as Paris or London and have more relevant real...
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    Buying a property in Germany vs investing into MSCI World

    @lightwriter I think there is a misunderstanding. RE in 13 different markets almost always has a real return of 0-1%. The noble prize winner Schiller after which the Schiller CAPE indicator is named, concludes that long-term house and appartement prices converge to the cost of materials and...
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    Where to easily invest my savings

    @nicaea_1q The answer is really simple. If it's an emergency reserve than only a savings account can be an option. Are you saving up for something specific? Or are you trying to protect an emergency fund? How fast do you need to withdraw? Within a few months weeks, days or minutes?
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @rootsrockreggae Hmm, I personally had accounts at HSBC and in Switzerland at UBS. I've never head those issues. I suppose your bank was not well equipped to handle international clients. If you don't mind, at what establishment did you do your business?
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @rootsrockreggae It's tough. However I'm surprised, I lived in France at one point and was able to keep my account and livrets no issues as I moved across countries. Do you per chance live in the USA? How come they're closing your accounts yearly?