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  1. S

    Is my attempt to justify my 9.9% APR car okay or a UKPF sin?lol

    @agear69 The issue is you’d be paying 9k and end up with nothing at the end albeit having used a car for 3 years. The alternative is get a loan for 7k (lower figure to cover interest) and buy a car with that and then after 3 years you’ll be more likely to have a car at the end of it. I’m not...
  2. S

    Is my attempt to justify my 9.9% APR car okay or a UKPF sin?lol

    @agear69 In the scenario where you suggest that you have cash to buy it outright you will find you have more to pay off than expected. Sorry if I’m misunderstanding your original post. The prudent approach would be to decide now on what gives you the most options in the future. That...
  3. S

    Is my attempt to justify my 9.9% APR car okay or a UKPF sin?lol

    @agear69 The problem with a high interest rate on a decent amount with low repayments is the overall amount won’t come down that much. At the end of the 3 years you might be surprised by how much is still left.