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  1. C

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @confusedxx Well, then you must find another bank. As I said - it's not set in stone and FINMA doesn't make any such requirements. It likely also depends on your general financial prowess.
  2. C

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @brydustin The thought process must come away from income if you have significant other assets. How would retired folks renew their mortgages otherwise? Private banks are often quite a bit more flexible than the likes of Raiffeisen or ZKB.
  3. C

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @brydustin I think you must try and find other offers. Again - not taking rental income and securities into consideration is strange. Pro tip: hit up Comparis to find providers for you. You "pay" with your data, but since most of it is public anyway, who cares? Re overdraft: That's highly...
  4. C

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @brydustin Something seems odd here. I own multiple properties and the rental income I make has always been counted as additional income. Also, if you have slightly significant savings/securities, the banks look at those too. I don't even work with mortgages any longer. My bank granted me an...