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  1. S

    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @alwayscurious I saw that post too! I can’t believe it
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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @phil4508 I am quite risk adverse. It’s taken a lot for me to not just cram it in a coffee can buried in the back yard lol.
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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @phil4508 That’s really helpful. I’m using my MM and CDs more as a mid term savings like my car sinking fund and saving up for travel + my emergency fund. I’m not looking for them as long term retirement savings
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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @sharone It is the Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 VFFVX. If I’m reading this correctly it looks like the fees are .08%
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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @sharone They have a sponsored program with Transamerica. That’s what I’ve been using. I’m not sure of the expense ratio, I’ll leave to check.
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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    Growing up we were ‘working class’. Our bills were paid, we took one family road trip every summer. We were comfortable in our LCOL area. I’ve worked hard and make about $60K + free housing in a HCOL area of California. My parents are the ‘put your money in the bank’ type. I know for my...