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  1. N

    How to invest in bonds?

    @tobiahjude99 Indeed, I haven't decided, I have plenty of time to think. It depends a lot on whether I'll retire in Switzerland, or in another EU country. I'm aiming for an early retirement at ~50 years, so I wouldn't be able to draw out anything from Pillar 2 for about ~8 years. I still...
  2. N

    How to invest in bonds?

    @mungomerbeliever I agree, corporate bonds are more correlated with equities, and are undesirable to me. IGLO / IGLC is a developed government-only bond fund, with an effective duration of 7.2 years, and it already holds 53.5% US treasuries. While TLT has an effective duration of 16.4 years...
  3. N

    How to invest in bonds?

    @mungomerbeliever Thought so too :) IGLO / IGLC are total government bond funds, so they include short-, intermediate-, and long-term bonds, but averages out to intermediate duration. I guess I could look for a long-term bond only fund, but I think I'd be taking on a bit too much interest...
  4. N

    How to invest in bonds?

    Hello everyone! I'm at the point where I'd like to revisit my bond allocation. My portfolio is currently 50% VTI, 35% IXUS, and 15% cash, excluding Pillar 2. Pillar 2 accounts for ~15% of my net wealth. It's my understanding that the purpose of bonds is to provide "ballast" during market...