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  1. S

    Is Cash ISA w/5% interest a better investment than a FTSE Global All Cap S&S ISA?

    @sanath123 Are underpants better than socks? They're both bunched together as similar products, but serve different purposes. Beware of offering family members financial advice, if it doesn't work out, you get the blame, even when it's their responsibility to make their own financial decisions...
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    Child ISA Fund All World vs S&P

    @alimais What about all the years where the world-ex-US outperformed the US? Hard to ignore those too. Solution: buy the whole market.
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    Should I opt out of my 9.8% NHS Pension for one year to help pay off debt

    @filu63 1.5% above inflation, so even more reason not to opt out!
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    L&G pension fund advice for a novice investor

    @janjan That default fund is only 39% equities, with 2 decades to go until retirement you'll probably want more exposure than this. Take a look at the guidance in the wiki (start here) and see which passive accumulating global trackers L&G offer.
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    Legal & General vs Aviva for pension consolidation

    @atlas2023 Hopefully others with more experience of this scenario will chip in, but ask questions to both L&G and Aviva if the transferred in balance also attracts the protected pension age, or if it's only the current contributions that keep the protection. No point moving money across into...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @inhasap6 It's misleading after just a few years but that quirk disappears over time. Only year one was adjusted by inflation, year two was simply the (higher) salary driving the increased benefit. After 3 years of employment, two years of benefit get the inflation adjustment... after 30 years...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @inhasap6 Edit: Ignore this No, if the salary stayed at exactly £27k per year (no inflation on salary) for 30 years it'd be worth whatever £15k buys with today's money. Instead, assuming salary also increases (probably not as much as inflation though) means that you'd get more than £15k's worth...
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @8675309 Your personal rate of return will differ from the index's because presumably you've been adding to the pension over time, and not simply dropping a lump sum and letting the pot ride with the index fund's value? Each month you've been contributing you've been purchasing different...
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    Withdraw from flexible ISA with provider A and open a new non-flexible ISA with provider B?

    @perseverancethroughfaith I didn't realise that rule applied when you transfer across ISA types in the same tax year, thanks for the info.
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @inhasap6 No, in reality it'll be more if there's any pay rises. It works out as 1/54 x 2024 salary + 1/54 x 2025 salary + ... + 1/54 x 2054 salary. Edit: After simulating the scenario I realise I was wrong, stationary salary will deteriorate the end benefit in relation to inflation. Year...
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    Withdraw from flexible ISA with provider A and open a new non-flexible ISA with provider B?

    @boutdatgospel You wouldn't want to take the £1k out, but if you had, you'd put it back into ISA A, open ISA B (with no contribution) and request a partial ISA transfer in from A.
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @mirandaf Just adding that the pension built up rises with CPI so it moves with inflation, meaning what you can buy for £15k today, you'll be able to buy the same goods with your pension in retirement too. Edit: Deleted wrong part of sentence, although the benfit grows with inflation it will...
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @usernasanxiety (...which investors have always had to do anyway).
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @8675309 Equities have climbed significantly since November, Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap has risen 20% in that timeframe. Your multi asset fund is 40% stocks, so I'd guess the majority of the growth you've seen is...
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    2024-25 Stocks & Shares ISA's Q

    @hayesruc ...Until 2 weeks time when that rule gets scrapped and you will be able to pay into as many of the same ISA types (LISA and JISA excluded) as you like.
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    Best app or trading account for S&P 500

    @reynaldo Ask the professionals. Vanguard give it a 6 out of 7 risk rating, riskier than FTSE Global All Cap's 5 out of 7 rating. And I didn't say investing in S&P500 was a brave move (but it is), I meant ignoring the rest of the world is a brave move.
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    Best app or trading account for S&P 500

    @edgemon03 You'll find a lot of finance blogs and social media "investors" give advice with a US perspective (i.e. tongue-in-cheek "ignore the rest of the world, we're the best!"). By electing for S&P500 you're actively choosing to ignore a huge chunk of the global markets, which as a novice...
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    Best app or trading account for S&P 500

    @edgemon03 Obligatory why S&P500?
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    Trying to understand if my investment portfolio growth over last 7 years is “good”

    @sml83 I don't know what investment app you use, but all of the platforms I use calculate your personal rate of return to include the contributions you've made. When OP says their portfolio value has achieved +38% I'd bet that means on top of all the money they've invested, not on top of their...
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    Trying to understand if my investment portfolio growth over last 7 years is “good”

    @jtanurdjaja Yeah, it was an indicative simplification. It would also be correct from a portfolio perspective if the new contributions had been held in cash and drip-fed in, assuming negligible cash interest being earned. Any insight people suggest would only be appropriate given the lack of...