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  1. K

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @janice64 OW = Overwatch
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @janice64 Too much OW?
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @hwereson Hello, fellow ChemE
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @monni All of those lists are bullshit. Supply/demand doesn’t lie. No one wants to live in your Podunk town
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @monni The Forbes list is just a lie fed to us by the 1%
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @monni If it was that good of a city, houses wouldn’t be 150k
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    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @monni Sounds like you live in a super undesirable area!