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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @okiaconvit Sorry I'm absolutely no expert on this. I prefer these kinds of things from European banks because I think IF there are regulations, the European products rather have them than not. That's not to say the US banks don't have regulations or even EU regulations when selling to EU...
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @stephenk Any broker in your country that has little transaction fees or, personally, I use the premium version of scalable that has zero fees for a subscription of 5 € per month
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @laimaboyd6 I always do accumulating wherever I can, the one I linked is also accumulating. Distributing ETFs in my point of view are the biggest waste of money there is
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @mikefordii Funny thing is that I find it more convenient to buy an ETF instead of moving money across accounts every few months Regarding your Lyxor suggestion: I agree, also this guy compared spread and fees etc. , it's German but maybe you can translate it if you cannot speak German
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @kaytiedid No need to hunt after these often short-term bonus offers that are way less than the official ECB rate. You can get the official €STR (like 3.6%ish percent minus 0.1% fees) tracked at LU0290358497. It's like an ETF that lends money to the ECB. Of course there are some risk factors...