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  1. M

    Taxation on EPF - can someone explain how it's gonna work?

    @fransiskus Sir, do you understand what I am asking? What is the worth of RSU you get every year? (not the ones that you got in start i.e. 30L i got you) but every year how much is being added to you account(not vested).
  2. M

    Taxation on EPF - can someone explain how it's gonna work?

    @fransiskus Sir, what is the value of every year RSUs you are getting?
  3. M

    Taxation on EPF - can someone explain how it's gonna work?

    @fransiskus You get 40L RSUs per annum? Most likely not (you would have got 40L RSUs with some years of vesting) Then your annual income is 16+16 ie. 32 + RSUs And hence 12perc of basic would be around 1.92L or 16k/month (+16k as employers contribution) Similarly he got a 35k + 35k as EPFs...