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    Pension Advice

    @asurfpro Thanks for checking. I’m thinking next pay increase I might ask instead for it to be in the form of pension contributions instead.
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    Pension Advice

    @asurfpro It’s a private pension since my employees doesn’t contribute. But they are happy to have it all deducted at source on payroll.
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    Pension Advice

    @asurfpro Thanks. Will do!
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    Pension Advice

    @asurfpro ⬆️ I agree with this post. I weighed up waiting for auto enrolment or set up a pension since I’ve not employer contributions. Since I’m taxed at the higher band, my own pension is the better option. My husband is taxed at lower band and he will be better off with enrolment. He works in...
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    Pension Advice

    @matthewaworkerforthelord I’ve recently sent up a pension with Zurich. Went through a broker. My understanding is 100% allocation fee and 1% yearly charge. My employee does not contribute but did pay the broker fee. He has charged a fee as wasn’t get paid to bring me to a Specific pension...