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  1. B

    Tooo expensive policy even 6 months coverage is more costly then actual vehicle!!!!!

    @kejuli Stats r same but not people right!!!
  2. B

    Tooo expensive policy even 6 months coverage is more costly then actual vehicle!!!!!

    @chantalady This fucken country is bs What dose high risk age matter to me !!! I knew myself i drive safe for my own they judging eveyone same just is because age
  3. B

    Tooo expensive policy even 6 months coverage is more costly then actual vehicle!!!!!

    @onesmus Nothing else to say bruh just trying to make living nothing fancy cried lot to god no hope there
  4. B

    Tooo expensive policy even 6 months coverage is more costly then actual vehicle!!!!!

    Hey rediters, im seeing help at this situation Firstly im located in nyc newly licensed age 23 international student , so i got my license 5 months ago and bought a car for my daily drive but the problem is 1,070 dollars per month for liability insurance on progressive?? Is that make any sense...