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  1. F

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @mikedo Don’t forget politicians. Decades of bad politics (not in Portugal right now, the government is applying good ones now) have brought the country to a very tight situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if Spain leaves the EU in 5-10 years once the debt crisis explodes.
  2. F

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @mikedo If they are much more expensive in Portugal than in Spain, then I’m afraid your statement is incorrect. I come from a city bordering Madrid (still 30mins by car most of the days sue to traffic), where 65sqm apartments built in the 70’s are priced at €150k and were priced at €240k during...
  3. F

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @mikedo You couldn’t be more off regarding Spain. •300k gets you a 80-90sqm apartment near the 2-3 top cities in Spain. • Average 18C? Yes maybe in the Canary Islands. Go to the north of Spain and you have worse weather than in the south of Germany. Go to the south and you have scolding...