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  1. R

    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @resjudicata The income account otp are linked to the missus , expenditure to mine and a seperate one for investments . In homage to my past it’s a yellow Nokia banana phone which is just charged up every 10 days and kept at home . Works just amazing
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @dvina A 2.5 % rental yield on an illustration is not really inaccurate a house that cost 1L will rent for 2.5 to 3.5 % . If you have a shitty landlord , it’s you who signed a contract with him . To classify all landlords in the same brush is overgeneralisation . Maybe you should be more...
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @neal6 Housing is an interesting market . The determinants are well known in the west , but are very different in India . My own understanding is limited to Mumbai . For example , slums keep housing prices up in certain areas . When they are cleared , the prices of housing go flat as the cost...
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @quittercheckusa It would be eminently foolish for me to invest in FD, I have to make sure my surcharge bracket does not change
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @nickel Depends on your income , if you had a rent of 24 lakhs annually and an HRA of 22 Lakhs , your math would be very different
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @marjo I am happy for you , you started batting
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @resjudicata That much granular control is not feasible / possible as time is short . Always juggling things
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @yaboo I use a seperate computer to access the investment account , it’s a Mac and it’s pretty much not used for anything else it just sits at home
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @yaboo My salary account has no much appreciable balance . Also investment account requires access to both mobile and laptop
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @mamabdog Lycurgus , the ruler of Sparta was very circumspect about this . Someone asked him , should we not build a strong wall around our city , fortify it and build stone houses. His answer was , the only wall the city needs is one of strong shoulders , each carrying a shield and a long...
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @%CE%A3%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%AE%CE%BB I have used apple for a while , and I find it pretty secure . I do have a bright yellow Nokia banana that I am very fond of
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @lovelifelln BHIM user through and through
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @rapp Let’s assume the house you want to live in costs 1 lakh to buy . Your annual rent for it is Rs. 2500 You invest that 1 L a, at 7 % it gives you 7000 as interest Net addition to your wealth is 7000-2500= 4500 Now if you do it over 5 years, your investment compounds . Now let’s assume...
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @fitnessfreak158 I really do not care if my bank relationship manager thinks . In fact one requirement for that job is the inability to reason. The last time someone had an issue because I had cards changed 3x that year , I simply got rid of that bank and that account . I was 25 % of his book...
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @fitnessfreak158 Harder to manage as me and missus at 2 each will be 4 cards . It’s more convenient to come back to India and ask for reissue , takes 20 seconds and we get entirely new cards It also complicates my IT return , have to give breakdowns
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    These are some important lessons I have learnt over 30 years of investing from a young age . These are my experiences , so I cannot really post hard data or do analysis . They have become part and parcel of what I think Get rid of all membership programs , frequent flyer miles, restaurant...
  17. R

    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @fitnessfreak158 Me , the missus and one spare . Actually we have 6 if we count the ones given to the children the maid and the driver . All three different numbers The frauds itself would take pages to describe . So I am cutting the sob story short We travel , therefore our cards are used a...
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    @dgan Never knew about it , this is all by trial and error
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    P015 - Lessons learned from 30 years of banking

    I am trying to talk about a simple basic service that many of us have no clue on how to structure properly or don’t have the time . I have banked across PSU / Private / Foreign banks in India , and US and Singapore . Here is the lesson I have learnt from it In the intervening period I have...
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    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @earthmover Refer SEBI formula Direct Plan TER = Regular Plan TER - Commission paid I feel you , but the SEBI formula has nothing to do with actual cost of direct plan Even I could not wrap my head around it for a week