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  1. B

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @bort I've done this in the past and have done two deals with hypoplus, the mortgage brokerage of Comparis. This time I only got an email: "Aufgrund der aktuellen Marktlage erhalten wir sehr viele Anfragen. Aufgrund unserer Ressourcen ist es uns leider momentan nicht möglich Ihre Anfrage zu...
  2. B

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @candleguy Thanks. And agreed - I know some retired people that had to have inconvenient discussions because the bank had issues with the lower income. As if it is a surprise.
  3. B

    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @candleguy Thank you so much. I am already talking with multiple providers. I agree that they should include rent income - in some cases the rent income will be less than the 5% interest, amortisation and maintenance and running costs though. Let's say a 1M apartment with 800k mortgage - the...
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    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    @candleguy Thank you! I also have savings/securities, but for the affordability calculation they don't take this into account. They only look at my income (my job). The overdraft thing could work, but one bank charges me 4% on that, which is much higher than let's say a 1.9% mortgage rate...
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    Mortgages for multiple flats as an investor

    Hey everyone, curious if someone can help us here. I own multiple properties privately, which I rent out. The banks calculate the affordability against my salary with the hypothetical mortgage rate of 5%. I want to buy another property but one bank says that my income is not sufficient...