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  1. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @blade10327 Your credit is still great. 740 is where most benefits cap out. You should have no issue getting another card with a great rate and a high enough limit for what you need.
  2. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @blade10327 Your overall utilization would actually go down, not up. You would have more available credit, with the same balance. You may get the tiniest hit from the hard inquiry, but it'll be give by the time you need a new mortgage or car loan.
  3. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @jlinked Fair enough, though I'd argue that the market swings you mention are more of an argument for staying invested. They're the whole reason you invest in the market for retirement in the first place, because overall it still trends up, and enough to outpace all other investment classes.
  4. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @jlinked The money you borrow from your TSP becomes un-invested from whichever fund(s) you normally use until you pay it back. So you need to also consider the opportunity cost of missing out on market gains. For reference Since the market historically returns 10%, and since the TSP is...
  5. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @blade10327 Sure thing! It is also being offered for the Navy Fed Platinum.
  6. J

    TSP to pay debt?

    @blade10327 How's your credit? Navy Fed is running a balance transfer promo at the moment: 1% APR for 12 months on balance transfers, with no transfer fee. Other card companies also offer balance transfer deals on the regular, but most charge a transfer fee, and the rates are typically higher...