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  1. R

    When people say ‘I’m saving X amount per month…’ what should this include?

    @pleasegodprotectme I don't think that there is any common answer for what you should include in the amount you classify as "savings" each month. And I'm betting if you asked a bunch of people what they think should be included, you'd get a bunch of different answers. But it doesn't really...
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @allieohh LOL. I'm not trying to fire the guy. Just pointing out the ethical issues. And no, this is not a clerical error, but I think you know that.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @allieohh That's not what he's doing though. He's intentionally clocking in and clocking out so that the time clock rounds up in his favor so that he gets paid for time he didn't work. Lots of us have done it - me included. That doesn't make it right or ethical. And, the school may not...
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @allieohh I think the issue though is that this employee is intentionally gaming the system to get paid extra for time not worked. A bit of rounding up here and there is fine, but this is pretty obviously intentional. If someone notices a pattern, they could take issue with it and fire him.
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    115k in San Diego vs 90k in ATL

    @snowfishblue I didn't mean that the rates were cheap, just that because you don't need to run the heat/AC basically at all (unlike a place like ATL), your overall costs will be lower. At any rate, I have family and friends in SD and they're all doing pretty well with regular type jobs -...
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    115k in San Diego vs 90k in ATL

    @togetherinjesus I love SD and would absolutely choose to live there. I think it would be worth the trade-off, even if it resulted in a step-down in standard of living. Housing is expensive in SD, of course, but most other things are pretty reasonable - some things will be cheaper, like...
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    What HYSA do you use and what's the APR?

    @arkady That's what do too. I figure the risk is minimal and I don't mind that it is slightly less liquid. I have a smaller amount of money in a standard savings account at my credit union with instant access.
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    Savings Recommendations?

    @eyeq With a 3 year timeline, I'd just put it all in a HYSA or perhaps CDs or US Treasuries. Something solid and safe.
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    Savings Recommendations?

    @eyeq The 5 year threshold is a general guide so that you don't have money that you need soon in the market. That way, if the market goes down, you aren't stuck having to sell in a down market or putting your plans on hold until the market goes back up. It's not about taxes, it is about risk...
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    Savings Recommendations?

    @eyeq This is a great opportunity for you to save money and get off to a good financial start. Good on you for recognizing the opportunity and taking advantage of it. The general guidance for retirement savings is that you should be putting about 15% of your income into retirement...