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  1. M

    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    @maxamir if you get 3.5% rental yield, 0.9% maintianance, a 2% mortage and 20% downpayment, your return would be: (3.5%-0.9%-2%*0.8)*5=5% You will also have appreciation that beats inflation on average by 0.9% per year (yes it was more in redcent year, but historically I think it was...
  2. M

    How do you deal with your parents retirement planning?

    @jaz2001 You might not want to advise them, but you can still educate them or vet their advisors.
  3. M

    How do you deal with your parents retirement planning?

    @ben77 A lot of the decisions (e.g. withdraw second pillar or not) dont need to be made early. Its maybe not about how to build wealth, rather how what they have can best serve their needs in retirement.
  4. M

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @jjmaleyscw If you hold all assets equally you get the average result (since you hold the average of the market). Nothing based on last performance, if the first passive index was opened today I would still say the same thing.
  5. M

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @jjmaleyscw No, its not based on past returns, it is based on the concept. You choose a strategy that guarantees average pre-cost performance and then save on cost. This means you outperform the average active investor by design, always.
  6. M

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @renie So, active managed funds as a whole will never outperform passively managed funds, Since in approximation the passive funds have the performance of the average active fund before cost. If you don't know the future, how would you identify the active fund that outperforms other active...