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  1. P

    Married couple, how do you handle finances?

    @freesoul88 I'm not married myself, but here's what my married relative did with their finances: Both she and her husband have jobs. They set up a joint account where they each deposit a portion of their salary every month. The money in that account is designated for their household/family...
  2. P

    Married couple, how do you handle finances?

    @7iceman7 Just out of curiosity (and out of OP’s topic), does frequent job hopping helped with higher pay or does that depends on the industry/role? My friends who are in sales role did say that job hopping helps them to get higher pay faster. Does that also apply to other non-sales roles? 😅
  3. P

    Married couple, how do you handle finances?

    @7iceman7 I don’t know where you got your reality from but in my reality, women are generally paid lesser than men for the same role/position. 😅😅 And this is a worldwide issue.
  4. P

    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 I felt bad for my mom and thought, maybe it would’ve been prevented if one of us is at home with her. But I was glad my mom wasn’t hurt or anything. Though, I eventually made arrangements and moved back home a few months after the incident. Now both of us have the same habit of not...
  5. P

    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 Sorry to hear about the loss. I'm not sure about the specifics of the scam, but perhaps there's a reason why she didn't disclose it to you or your siblings. In my mother's situation (she fell victim to the Macau scam and lost 60k), she was threatened & intimidated by the scammer...