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  1. K

    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    @lynnak I think you and didhe both gave good advice. Given our lack of knowledge of OPs situation it's hard to know what exactly to recommend.
  2. K

    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    @lynnak Yup. We are all scarred by our own experiences. I started a traditional IRA right out of college 15 years ago, long before the 2018 IRS rules. Couldn't take advantage of the mega backdoor Roth my last company offered. But most of my 401ks have been absolute junk with 1-1.5% fees and...
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    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    @hogree Right. For some folks, jdmulloy's advice is spot on, but making an effort to clean up finances is better than getting stuck trying to find the perfect strategy.
  4. K

    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    @lynnak Do you think folks with 4 lingering 401ks are doing back door roth conversions?
  5. K

    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    @lynnak Why wouldn't you just roll them into an IRA somewhere decent like fidelity or Charles Schwab? Then you have all the selection of funds you want and low fees without some idiot in hr giving you a small selection of funds to choose from