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  1. J

    I have inherited £7.4 million and I am panicking on what to do

    @jtinc07 Get a stash of penicillin
  2. J

    Concept of valuing your time and nuances

    @jnpl1185 What will i do with the remaining 59 mins?
  3. J

    Concept of valuing your time and nuances

    @marriedwoman Not everything in life boils down to a math formula. I would pay 1000 per hr to hand out with rhianna. Is that crazy? Maybe.maybe not. Its just 1h and wont repeat.
  4. J

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @chuckpeterson Right. U r probably right. 70 squid for nappies ( which are 80p for 3 pairs or whatevevr insignificat) and the rest for food?. R they eating truffles every day? Spoiled kids
  5. J

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @chuckpeterson 70 per day for food and nappies is 70x4 days x4.3 weeks per mth which is 1200ish of the 1800. A bit off maybe?