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    Frugal tips to save money

    @katrina2017 Tinned is generally on special when the fresh equivalent is in season- stock up on tinned tomatoes in summer.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @shanrose They loosened the criteria a few years ago, so it's based more on address and not having any other internet. Our staff take about 30 mins to get people set up, and can help if you have any problems or questions later on.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @shanrose We don't check anything. Libraries would never ask for any documents, you could just mention you have a community services card if you are comfortable with that. We're pretty sensitive to people's situations and truly want everyone to have access to internet.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @bella7 We do them at our community library- first we ask your address to check you can connect. If you can we talk you through the online process, how much data you get, how to top up etc. You need to me able to access your email during the appointment, so check you know your email password and...
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @tagliatellimonster Also a worldwide shortage of chips used in the modem.