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    [OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..

    @iwantout LoL. Yes I have become my dad as well! LoL
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    [OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..

    @iwantout LoL! I agree 100% I was always told the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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    [OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..

    @iwantout I was polite but firm. They need to know how it affecting us so they don't take their good old time getting started. It is infuriating to me.
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    [OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..

    [OHIO] Kimberly Hall is the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services. Her email is []( She needs to hear the suffering we are going through because they are paying $0 now on unemployment to Ohioans while 18 other states are already paying...