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  1. T

    Buying Bonds and Distributing ETFs from Poland: Withholding tax

    @bevinluvwithjesus First of all, huge thanks for such a thorough explanation! Second, I’ve made a mistake in my question. I naïvely assumed that the ETF I bought with Revolut (VUSA) is an American one, hence all the talks about W8-BEN. Turns out, it’s an Irish fund. More than that, regular EU...
  2. T

    Buying Bonds and Distributing ETFs from Poland: Withholding tax

    Hi! As a beginner investor, I was researching ways to diversify my rather unbalanced (100% VUSA) portfolio. I decided to buy some US Treasury bonds and simply hold them until maturity. However, I came across this thing called "withholding tax". AFAIK, this tax gets applied when I receive any...